General Electric Parts

Molded Case Circuit Breakers

Magnetic Motor Starters

Auxiliary Contactors

Motor Control Centers

GE Control Parts

Safety Switches & Disconnects

Replacement Coils

Contact Kits

Thermal Heater Units

Bus Plugs

Genuine General Electric  Parts for Motor Control and Power Distribution

Southland Electric stocks a extensive inventory of surplus and professionally reconditioned  General Electric parts and equipment. Our General Electric inventory includes a large selection of  molded case circuit breakers, magnetic motor starters, contact kits, and much more.

Southland stocks both current production and discontinued General Electric parts and equipment.  Our specialty is discontinued items which are difficult to find at General Electric distributors.  Over many years we have painstakingly organized General Electric motor control centers, circuit breakers, mounting hardware, motor starters, fusible panel board switches, disconnects/safety switches, coils, heaters, push buttons, selector switches, relays, limit switches and have them ready for immediate delivery.

We sell professionally rebuilt and reconditioned General Electric Motor control centers, magnetic motor starter, molded case circuit breaker as well as parts and subassemblies for the General Electric product line.  We are not an authorized distributor for General Electric, but we have proven a excellent source for hard to find manufacturer discontinued equipment.  If available, these items normally require backordering and long lead times.

Our product knowledge comes from technical manuals, specification sheets, product literature and hands on application building Panel boards, pump panels, reduced voltage starters and other custom controls. Chances are we've handled the part others are guessing about. We can help you find your  General Electric  parts today.

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General Electric Molded Case Circuit Breakers

GE Motor Starters and Contactors

GE Motor Control Centers

GE Replacement Coils